
Hardware and Software compatibility and requirements.


Before you install Kiali you must have already installed Istio along with its telemetry storage addon (i.e. Prometheus). You might also consider installing Istio’s optional tracing addon (i.e. Jaeger) and optional Grafana addon but those are not required by Kiali. Refer to the Istio documentation for details.

Enable the Debug Interface

Like istioctl, Kiali makes use of Istio’s port 8080 “Debug Interface”. Despite the naming, this is required for accessing the status of the proxies and the Istio registry.

The ENABLE_DEBUG_ON_HTTP setting controls the relevant access. Istio suggests to disable this for security, but Kiali requires ENABLE_DEBUG_ON_HTTP=true, which is the default.

For more information, see the Istio documentation.

Version Compatibility

Each Kiali release is tested against the most recent Istio release. In general, Kiali tries to maintain compatibility with older Istio releases and Kiali versions later than those posted in the below table may work, but such combinations are not tested and will not be supported. Known incompatibilities are noted in the compatibility table below.

1.17 1.63.2 or later Avoid 1.63.0,1.63.1 due to a regression.
1.16 1.59.1 to 1.63.2 Avoid 1.62.0,1.63.0,1.63.1 due to a regression.
1.15 1.55.1 to 1.59.0
1.14 1.50.0 to 1.54.x Istio 1.14 is out of support.
1.13 1.45.1 to 1.49.x Istio 1.13 is out of support.
1.12 1.42.0 to 1.44.x Istio 1.12 is out of support.
1.11 1.38.1 to 1.41.x Istio 1.11 is out of support.
1.10 1.34.1 to 1.37.x Istio 1.10 is out of support.
1.9 1.29.1 to 1.33.x Istio 1.9 is out of support.
1.8 1.26.0 to 1.28.x Istio 1.8 removes all support for mixer/telemetry V1, as does Kiali 1.26.0. Use earlier versions of Kiali for mixer support.
1.7 1.22.1 to 1.25.x Istio 1.7 istioctl will no longer install Kiali. Use the Istio samples/addons all-in-one yaml or the Kiali Helm Chart for quick demo installs. Istio 1.7 is out of support.
1.6 1.18.1 to 1.21.x Istio 1.6 introduces CRD and Config changes, Kiali 1.17 is recommended for Istio < 1.6.

Maistra Version Compatibility

2.3 2.3 1.57 Using Maistra 2.3 to install service mesh control plane 2.3 requires Kiali Operator v1.57. Other operator versions are not compatible.
2.3 2.2 1.48 Using Maistra 2.3 to install service mesh control plane 2.3 requires Kiali Operator v1.57. Other operator versions are not compatible.
2.3 2.1 1.36 Using Maistra 2.3 to install service mesh control plane 2.3 requires Kiali Operator v1.57. Other operator versions are not compatible.
2.2 2.2 1.48 Using Maistra 2.2 to install service mesh control plane 2.2 requires Kiali Operator v1.48. Other operator versions are not compatible.
2.2 2.1 1.36 Using Maistra 2.2 to install service mesh control plane 2.1 requires Kiali Operator v1.48. Other operator versions are not compatible.
2.1 2.1 1.36 Using Maistra 2.1 to install service mesh control plane 2.1 requires Kiali Operator v1.36. Other operator versions are not compatible.
n/a 2.0 n/a Service mesh control plane 2.0 is out of support.
n/a 1.1 n/a Service mesh control plane 1.1 is out of support.
n/a 1.0 n/a Service mesh control plane 1.0 is out of support.

OpenShift Service Mesh Version Compatibility

2.3 1.57
2.2 1.48
2.1 1.36

Browser Compatibility

Kiali requires a modern web browser and supports the last two versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.

Hardware Requirements

Any machine capable of running a Kubernetes based cluster should also be able to run Kiali.

However, Kiali tends to grow in resource usage as your cluster grows. Usually the more namespaces and workloads you have in your cluster, the more memory you will need to allocate to Kiali.

Platform-specific requirements


If you are installing on OpenShift, you must grant the cluster-admin role to the user that is installing Kiali. If OpenShift is installed locally on the machine you are using, the following command should log you in as user system:admin which has this cluster-admin role:

$ oc login -u system:admin

Google Cloud Private Cluster

Private clusters on Google Cloud have network restrictions. Kiali needs your cluster’s firewall to allow access from the Kubernetes API to the Istio Control Plane namespace, for both the 8080 and 15000 ports.

To review the master access firewall rule:

gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="name~gke-${CLUSTER_NAME}-[0-9a-z]*-master"

To replace the existing rule and allow master access:

gcloud compute firewall-rules update <firewall-rule-name> --allow <previous-ports>,tcp:8080,tcp:15000